
Eco-Friendly Food Packaging Options and Sustainability Tips for Restaurants

Learn about eco friendly takeout food containers and get tips to make your restaurant more sustainable, earth friendly, and cost-effective.

16 minutos de lectura

People all over the world are growing more and more committed to stopping climate change and living more sustainably in every aspect of their lives. They're making more earth-friendly choices, like buying hybrid electric cars, and on the whole, consumers (especially young people) are more likely to trust sustainable businesses

The hospitality industry impacts the planet in many ways, and being environmentally conscious has become a deciding factor in where people dine. Restaurants are vital parts of our world and play a big role in both changing the tides of consumption and shaping their communities. 

This topic is top of mind in the restaurant world — recently, renowned chef José Andrés addressed the audience at the National Restaurant Association Show and urged everyone to make purposeful dining decisions. 

"The future of this planet, believe it or not, is in your hands. Let's make sure we all want to create a better world, because we can," he shared. "Restaurants are anchors of hope, we can make it happen; our neighborhoods can be better."

As a restaurant operator, making eco-friendly choices doesn't mean compromising on quality or experience, and it may just bring in new customers who are passionate about the planet. Here's what to think about when going green in your restaurant.

Why is sustainability so important to consumers today?

When asked why consumers make sustainable choices, a recent study found that the main reason is a "desire to improve the environment," followed by wanting to reduce production waste, decrease the carbon footprint, and protect animals. People are so passionate about this, they're opting to spend more with environmentally-conscious businesses, and convincing their families and friends to do so, too.

How do sustainable business practices impact growth and discoverability?

A recent Harvard Business Review study of more than 350,000 consumers in the US found that Gen Z and Millennials are 27% more likely to shop with brands that care about their "impact on people and the planet," and willing to spend more money with humanity-focused businesses. 

McKinsey also found that more than 60% of US consumers say they'd pay more for products with sustainable packaging.

In addition to caring about sustainability, diners care about community, and want to support local businesses they know well – one in three US diners actively seek out local restaurants.

What is an 'earth-friendly restaurant'? 

'Earth-friendly restaurants' are those making eco-conscious decisions throughout their business — from takeout and delivery packaging, to using plant-based ingredients, to using digital payroll and employee management systems. 

"You can make a meal out of so many kinds of cuisines, with plant-forward being a popular theme." 

Michael Solomonov, Chief Restaurant Advisor, DoorDash

How can restaurants offer delivery and takeout options without using excessive plastic? 

47% of plastic waste in the US comes from single-use products and packaging, and there's a massive initiative worldwide to reduce plastic consumption. States like California, Hawaii, New York, and Maine have banned single-use plastic bags or initiated fees for using them, and states like Maryland and Vermont have banned single-use polystyrene cups and containers. 

As a result, restaurants and hospitality groups are turning to more sustainable alternatives. Dunkin Donuts, for example, swapped out their polystyrene cups for double-walled paper cups worldwide back in 2020. 

Restaurants can choose options like paper containers, paper bags, and compostable cutlery as a replacement for plastic, or allow guests to opt out of receiving utensils, which saves restaurants money and helps the planet.

Qué aspectos considerar a la hora de elegir recipientes ecológicos de comida para llevar 


For reasons of food safety and deliciousness, restaurants should look into insulated food delivery containers — especially if your delivery range allows for food to sit in transit for over an hour. If your hot food is arriving completely cold, or your cold dishes arrive at a disconcerting room temperature, your customers won't be excited to dig in — and might not order again. Keep food hot for delivery with high-quality insulated containers.

Prueba de derrames

Thoroughly spill-test eco-friendly delivery and takeout containers before you place that order of 2,000 boxes. Customers who open a takeout bag only to find that the dressing, soup, or sauce has spilled everywhere will be disappointed and put off — so buy a small amount of containers to test, fill them with food, and drive them around in a delivery car. While most delivery drivers will be careful not to shake up their deliveries too much (their five-star reviews depend on it), accidents do happen. If your test boxes spill easily, find another brand to test.


A major part of why the restaurant industry is so accustomed to using plastic containers is that they're often the cheapest option. And in an industry with such thin profit margins, there's often little wiggle room to opt for things like nicer takeout containers. However, it's better to be proactive ahead of changing government regulations instead of having to switch over all at once as soon as a law passes. 

Prueba estrategias para reducir otros costos del restaurante, y así tener más espacio en tu presupuesto para comenzar la transición a empaques ecológicos.


Not all eco-friendly food containers are created equal. Here's a breakdown on a few of the popular labels you'll see on sustainable containers.

  • Compostable: los materiales compostables se descomponen rápidamente cuando se eliminan correctamente, ya sea en un compost comercial o casero, y se convierten de forma natural en materiales ricos en nutrientes que se pueden usar en la tierra para estimular el crecimiento de las plantas. Los recipientes hechos con caña de azúcar o bagazo, bambú y algunos bioplásticos suelen ser compostables.

  • Biodegradable: los recipientes biodegradables para llevar están hechos de bioplásticos y otros materiales elaborados a partir de plantas, lo que significa que se desintegrarán de forma natural con el tiempo. Sin embargo, las tasas de descomposición varían según el material, y algunos gobiernos están comenzando a establecer regulaciones para el uso de la etiqueta en función de la cantidad y la rapidez con que se descompone el material, así que recuerda investigar las políticas locales para determinar las mejores opciones de envases biodegradables para tu área.

  • Recycled: Recycled packaging is made of previously used plastic or other materials, ensuring that at least some of the plastic used in the industry doesn't go to waste. Some recycled containers are recyclable themselves, but not all — check with your local recyclable requirements. Kraft paper products are made with virgin fibers but are renewable, recyclable, and easily customizable.  

  • Reutilizables: ofrecer productos que se pueden volver a usar, como recipientes de plástico resistentes, tazas de café o ensaladeras reutilizables, son excelentes maneras de reducir tu huella ambiental. Si sueles tener personas que ordenan café para llevar, considera ofrecer un descuento si traen su propia taza térmica. 

Cómo mantener la comida caliente (o fría) para la entrega

As mentioned above, a big part of providing amazing off-premise customer service is testing your takeout containers to ensure all food holds up well in transit. Prepare several of your dishes and distribute them into takeout containers — and then jostle them around and wait 30+ minutes before eating them. If they don't hold up, cut those items from your delivery menu or try upgrading your packaging. 

PULLQUOTE (Already in Contentful): "The vast majority of our customers aren't going to eat our pizza fresh out of the oven. This is how our customers are going to experience our product, and we have to execute it on a high level."

Khanh Nguyen, CEO, Zalat Pizza

Plus, it's good practice to pack sauces on the side and separate foods of different temperatures: a steaming hot container of penne in vodka sauce shouldn't be sitting in the bag on top of a fresh, cool caesar salad. 

¿Qué tipos de recipientes para retiro usan los restaurantes?

Los operadores de restaurantes tienen una amplia variedad de recipientes de entrega de comida entre los que elegir. A continuación, te presentamos una descripción general de algunos de los tipos de empaques para retiro más comunes, que te ayudará a elegir la opción más adecuada para tu negocio. 

Seal-top boxes

Perhaps the most common kind of takeout container, seal-top boxes are round or rectangular, and almost always made of plastic. They're sturdy enough to be washed and reused for at-home food storage, and as their name implies, they seal quite well — but they're not water-tight.

Salad bowls

Made of compostable material, plastic, or plastic-coated paper with a plastic lid, these bowls transport salads very effectively. It's common to send a small container of dressing inside the bowl — and it's important to do a shake test. Make sure a freshly dressed salad can be shaken vigorously with the closed salad bowl container not popping open and making a huge mess. 

Envases para retiro, con divisiones

Usually made of plastic or paper, these containers are great for transporting combo meals, mains and sides, and bento boxes — but they do cause quality issues if cold foods (like salads) are packed in the same container as warm foods (like chicken tikka). They typically come with a container and a separate lid.

Envase en forma de concha marina

Clamshell containers are defined by the hinged closure: the base and the lid are connected on one side, and open like a clamshell. They're usually made of styrofoam or compostable materials, and are great for burgers and sandwiches.

Cajas plegables

Made of lined, coated paper or cardboard, which is often recycled, these containers are great for takeout and delivery food that doesn't need to be perfectly sealed, like rice dishes or sandwiches. Chinese takeout containers are similar, but are often shaped in a square instead of a rectangle. 

Contenedores para catering

Por lo general, los recipientes para catering, hechos de aluminio, son bandejas grandes con tapas de cartón o plástico recubiertas, y pueden transportar grandes cantidades de alimentos que se puede meter directamente en el horno. También hay recipientes redondos de plástico para catering, que se suelen usar para órdenes grandes de sushi, sándwiches o fuentes de frutas.

Cajas de pizza

Perhaps the most specialized of the takeout containers, pizza boxes are made of cardboard and are designed to bring pizzas, calzones, or hot sandwiches fresh from the oven to a customer's front door. 

Envases de salsa para retiro

Por lo general, los recipientes para salsas son de plástico y se usan para enviar aderezos, salsas para alitas, palitos de mozzarella o papas fritas, o cualquier otro aderezo adicional que los clientes puedan agregar. Enviar las salsas o guarniciones a un lado ayuda a que la comida conserve mejor el sabor, a pesar de los retrasos.  

Custom takeout boxes

The most eco-friendly way to customize your takeout containers (or bags) is with a custom stamp and ink — no need to buy plastic stickers or pricey branded containers. 

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Sostenibilidad del restaurante más allá de los envases de entrega de comida

Here are a few additional tips to help your restaurant be more eco-friendly when it comes to your delivery and pickup packaging. 

1. Elimina los utensilios, los sorbetes y las servilletas de los envases de los alimentos para llevar. 

Cuando las personas ordenan comida a domicilio, es probable que ya tengan tenedores y cuchillos en casa. Evita el desperdicio, y el gasto, y permite que seleccionen cubiertos solo si lo necesitan. 

2. Reduce el exceso de embalaje.

Si inviertes en recipientes de comida para llevar de alta calidad, es menos probable que necesites capas adicionales de embalaje, como envoltura de plástico, cartón o bolsas dobles. 

3. Evita los materiales de marketing innecesarios.

Si tus clientes ordenaron en línea a través de DoorDash o tu sitio web, lo más probable es que ya sepan dónde encontrar tu menú en línea. Guarda menús en papel u otros materiales de marketing para los transeúntes que se acerquen y quieran llevar uno a casa, pero no lo agregues a las órdenes de entrega. 

Además, puedes agregar un toque personal a cada orden escribiendo un rápido "Gracias" o dibujando una carita sonriente en los envases de comida para llevar o en las bolsas de papel. 

Marketing tip: Share your sustainability practices across your website, social media, and marketing materials

Audiences want to know which brands are sustainable as they make their choices on where to dine out. 

Share about your eco-friendly initiatives on social media and in marketing — tell guests about local vendors you partner with, the efforts you take to reduce food waste, and how you're fighting climate change through recycling programs and sustainable packaging. You just might attract younger, more eco-conscious consumers as new supporters of your business! 

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Priorizar la calidad y la sostenibilidad en el envasado de comida para llevar de los restaurantes 

By understanding your options for sustainable food delivery containers, you can make an informed decision about which takeout packaging is right for your business. Learn more about increasing online orders and ensuring customer satisfaction with our Guide to Optimizing for Delivery & Pickup.


Katherine Boyarsky
Katherine Boyarsky

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