
Increase Food Delivery Sales By Improving Restaurant Operations

It’s time to increase takeout sales for your restaurant. Learn about your food delivery options and see the impacts they can have on your business.

8 min read
many food options

As food delivery becomes increasingly popular among customers, especially with online apps such as DoorDash and other third-party providers, restaurants all over the world have seen a significant increase in their revenue streams. In fact, many famous restaurant chains are thriving, thanks to the additional sales that come from successful food delivery operations.

Along with large, well-established restaurants, any size business from small to medium can capitalize on the increased demand of food delivery. If you’re wondering how to increase food delivery sales to boost revenue, we’ve outlined everything you need to know in this handy, step-by-step guide:

Streamline delivery operations

Want to know the secret of how to increase food delivery sales? One of the most important things you can do to is make day-to-day operations for efficient. An easy way to achieve this is by partnering with a third-party food delivery app such as DoorDash.

It’s free to sign up for the DoorDash Merchant Portal, a complimentary service that you automatically have access to when you set up your account. You can use these online tools to manage orders and track customer data from any smart device. When you use this advanced food ordering technology in your restaurant, it makes the food delivery process significantly more efficient compared with traditional orders that involve phone calls and hand writing notes.

When you partner with a food delivery app like DoorDash, the new and improved efficiency in online ordering can help free up your staff so that they can perform other essential tasks, such as cleaning tables, attending to customers, doing prep work, and more. With more time for managers and staff, your restaurant will be able to focus on what really matters — making delicious food and delivering it as quickly as possible to hungry people. 

The way it works is simple — orders are prepaid online and the DoorDash platform handles all logistics. As a DoorDash partner, your restaurant will be charged a commission — it's important to fit these costs into your overall restaurant budget. Check out our blog on understanding restaurant costs for more information and other useful tips for navigating this crucial step of developing your food delivery business plan.

Provide fast and reliable food delivery

Along with preparing delicious food and making the online ordering process as efficient as possible, another essential part of a successful food delivery business is to give people what they want on a consistent basis. Not only do hungry customers want their food delivered fast, but they want it to arrive just as they expected. When a restaurant manager is trying to strategize how to increase delivery orders, a top priority should be providing the best possible service to both new people and their loyal customer base. 

One real advantage of partnering with a third-party food delivery app such as DoorDash: when you compare this number to traditional food ordering through phone calls and handwritten tickets, online food ordering apps are the key to securing your reputation of a restaurant that always delivers on time.

Have a better understanding of customer behavior

Another benefit of partnering with DoorDash is that your restaurant will have access to one of the largest market shares of any food delivery app available. You'll be able to boost your online presence just by signing up, which is especially helpful for medium to small businesses with limited reach. Although you have the option of using your own app, chances are slim that a customer will install your app to order food.

With millions of dollars dedicated to their marketing budgets, food delivery apps like DoorDash have already been influencing consumer behavior in the online delivery business. Instead of using a significant amount of time and resources to develop your own app, it makes more sense to partner with DoorDash and reach millions of potential customers. 

SEO-optimized website and an easy-to-read menu

For owners and managers wondering how to increase restaurant delivery sales, an excellent landing page and a crisp, clear menu is another essential part of any food delivery business plan. Not only does it look professional to potential customers, but it also helps your restaurant get seen by a lot more people. When your website includes the optimum amount of keywords and calls to action (CTA), it will help boost your online ranking in search engines, the key to getting more eyes on your website and menu. 

The benefits of this important marketing tactic are obvious — but even more convincing when you look at the statistics. One study found a restaurant industry trend that every restaurant owner should be aware of: 90% of guests conduct online research before choosing a restaurant. Even more important than both the location and dining room ambiance, your online presence combined with a sleek and professional website and menu can make a major impact on food delivery sales as a significant revenue stream.

Increase delivery orders with promotions & freebies

Not only can food delivery apps boost your online presence with their large share of the online ordering space, but they also give you the option of attracting new customers with promotional offers. People love free offers when taking a risk on a new restaurant, which is why the First Delivery Free promotion from DoorDash is so successful. This promotion allows your restaurant to cover the delivery fee on orders from new customers. DoorDash also gives restaurants other options for promotional offers e.g. when a customer refers a friend and they make a purchase. 

With the mainstream use of smartphone apps, people are also more likely to access promotional offers through their phones or other devices. While your restaurant always has the option of offering promotions and freebies through your own app, DoorDash allows you to reach millions of people worldwide with minimal effort on your part. Simply sign up and take advantage of the built-in marketing tools of DoorDash and the largest market share in the food delivery industry.

Now that you know how to increase restaurant delivery sales with these pro marketing tips, your restaurant will be able to capitalize on the increasing popularity of food delivery among millennial's, baby boomers, and many other demographics. 

Ready to grow your business and experience the benefits of a food delivery service for your restaurant? Sign up with DoorDash today. 


Andrew McCarthy
Andrew McCarthy

Director of Content Marketing

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