
Build your brand, expand your reach, and learn everything you need to know to promote your business.

restaurant menu

7 Restaurant Menu Examples: How to Design a Menu that Sells

Get inspired by these restaurant menu examples and learn how to stand out from competitors, attract more customers, and boost sales.

12 min read

12 Strategies for Building a Restaurant Website

Learn the essentials of building a restaurant website and create an engaging restaurant front page to attract more customers and grow your business.

12 min read
restaurant website design

How to Create a Restaurant Website Design that Sells

Discover the essentials of restaurant website design. Learn how to create an engaging online presence that attracts customers and boosts your restaurant's growth.

6 min read
How to Optimize Your Restaurant’s Google Maps Listing

Improve Restaurant SEO with a Google Business Profile

Unlock the power of restaurant SEO to grow your business. Learn practical tips to optimize your Google Business Profile and attract more customers.

10 min read
Mx Blog  - 14 Alcohol Gift Delivery Ideas to Boost Liquor Sales on Special Occasions - Champagne flutes

14 Alcohol Gift Delivery Ideas to Boost Liquor Sales on Special Occasions

Special occasions and holidays are opportunities for liquor stores to drive more orders with customized alcohol gift delivery.

8 min read
Mx Blog - A Florist's Guide to Flower Card Messages and Meanings - hero image of flowers and writing pad

A Florist's Guide to Flower Card Messages and Meanings

Help customers choose the right flower for any gift occasion, and download our free flower card messages to brighten any bouquet.

9 min read